River City Pageant LogoOn-Stage Question

Pageant Questions and Tips

Personal Introduction Outfit SamplesAfter contestants have completed their personal introductions, they will stay on stage and draw an age appropriate simple opinion question from a bowl. Judges will be looking to see if the contestant speaks clearly and confidently, stays on topic and answers the question well, and if they leave a memorable impression. Although this event is not timed, contestants should try to keep answers under 30 seconds.


Since On-Stage Question immediately follows Personal Introduction, there will be no need to change your wardrobe. Please see our Personal Introduction page for wardrobe details.


These are the actual questions that will be asked at the pageant. Please do not memorize answers:

Older Divisions

Elegant (60+) | Refined (men 60+) | Ms. (28-59) | Majesty (men 28-59)
Miss (19-27) | Teen (16-18) | Jr. Teen (13-15) | King (13+)
  • What sorts of improvements would you like to see in your local park?
  • What suggestions do you have for ways Riverfront Park could be improved?
  • What kinds of things have you done in the past to help out at your local park?
  • If you could invite someone to join you at a park clean-up, who would you ask and why?
  • Which park in Spokane is your favorite and why?
  • Why do you think parks are important?
  • What activity on a river or a lake have you never done but would like to try and why?
  • Over the river or through the woods, to whose house do you go?
  • What outdoor smell reminds you of childhood?
  • If you could take 1 person from history with you to Riverfront Park, who would you take and why?
  • What is your most memorable trip to a park?

Junior Divisions

Pre-Teen (10-12) | King (10-12) | Jr. Pre-Teen (8-9) | Prince (6-9) | Princess (6-7)
  • If you could invite someone to go to the park right now, who would you ask and what would you do?
  • Which park in Spokane is your favorite and why?
  • Where do you like to swim best: in a pool or in a lake? Why?
  • What are some ideas you have for helping out your local park?
  • Which season is your favorite and why?
  • Do you like bugs? Why or why not?
  • What is your favorite thing to do at Riverfront Park?
  • What would you pack for a picnic at the park with your family?
  • Tell us about a fun trip you have taken to a park.
  • If you could build your own playground, what equipment would you choose and why?

Kinder Divisions

Jr. Prince (4-5) | Petite Princess (4-5)
  • What is your favorite thing to do at the park? Why do you like it?
  • Who do you like to play with at the park and why?
  • Where do you like to swim best: in a pool or in a lake? Why?
  • What is your favorite color flower? Why do you like that color?
  • Do you like bugs? Why or why not?
  • What are your favorite things to do at a playground?

Walking Format

Personal Introduction and On-Stage Question require going on stage only once. A contestant will come out to a marked location center stage, pause briefly (about 5 seconds) and then head to the front of the stage to be handed a microphone for their Personal Introduction. Once contestants have completed their intro, they will draw a question from a bowl, give a short answer, and then exit the stage.

Personal Intros should be kept under 1 minute and answers under 30 seconds.

Personal Introduction and Question Format

Young girl anwering pageant on-stage question.

Tips for Giving Your Answer

1) Take a deep breath – Relax and clear your head before you start.

2) Listen carefully – Pay close attention to the question so you know exactly what is being asked.

3) Be concise – You have about 30 seconds to give your answer. Try to keep it simple.

4)  Be confident – There is no right or wrong answer. You are giving your opinion, so have confidence in yourself.

5) Pay attention to your posture – Be aware of how you’re standing and where your hands and feet are placed.

6)  Be prepared – Although you won’t be able to guess what question you will be asked, there are still ways you can prepare. Make sure you know what type of questions will be asked. Practice answering them for a friend or even in front of a mirror.

7)  Have fun – Be yourself and enjoy your time on stage.